Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio

Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio (RS)

Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio

Boris Kovač / Lav Kovač / Miloš Matić 

Contemplation - Trance - Emotion

After an almost 50-year long career and various ways in which I dealt with music, ranging from non-deterministic improvisation to strictly composed chamber music, from contemporary classical, through European-oriented improvised to world and quasi-dance music, I returned to what I started and I could call a holistic music creation. It is a combination of composed and improvised music which comes alive through interaction with collaborators who participate in the creation of music from co-authoring, through co-arranging to creative performance in which improvisation plays a significant role. The permeation of individual and collective in this way of creating and performing music is what paraphrases ritual in the work of this trio in the contemporary context.

The motives that inspire this music are related to simple everyday life, to nature and its changes, to the relationship with close people, animals and plants. To paraphrase Nietzsche, this music is radically non-contemporary precisely in its effort to rediscover neglected humanity.

Boris Kovač – piano, clarinet, bass clarinet

Lav Kovač - drums, piano, melodion

Miloš Matić - double bass, tambura
