Zuboly is an etnohiphop-formation was invented by the restless music genious of Bla goston (Dl-Alfldi Szaxofonegyttes, Agostones). Broken etno this is how Zuboly defines its music, but you could name it also shed-folk or folk bootleg as well. The hiphop-beatbox by MC Busa melts together folk music elemets and the junk-parts of pop music in a uniquely humorous and original way. This is how during one single song musicx elements of Muzsiks and Chis Isaac, Michael Jackson and Mozart, folk singing and raggamuffin can melt together. All these enriched with bass, recorders, bagpipes, saxophones, jews-harps, harmonica etc. guarantee great entertainment. This contemporary folk-jazz-hiphop-underground band released the most original album of last months titled rtem a kujonsgot.
Members of the band:
Bla goston - vocals, saxophone, viola
Filix goston Benke - singing, tapan
Istvn Busa - vocals, rap, beatbox
Erno Hock - vocals, bass guitar
Zoltn Mizsei - vocals, keyboards
David Szarvas - singing, beatbox, percussion