Beneath The Void, Noble Victory, Spectral Despair

Beneath The Void, Noble Victory, Spectral Despair

Beneath The Void, Noble Victory, Spectral Despair
Thursday 19:00

Beneath The Void, Noble Victory, Spectral Despair

  • Metal

Summer farewell death metal party on the ship's roof terrace!

The complex and brutal death metal machine Beneath The Void needs no special introduction to the fans of Hungarian extreme music. The team that started out as Kill With Hate in 2012 is marching forward unabated. With their latest album ...Into Oblivion, they set the bar high internationally - and face tearing is guaranteed live!

Noble Victory is a true domestic extreme "supergroup", its members include current and former members of Bridge To Solace, Sedative Bang, Magma Rise, On Graves. Practically, the membership of the This Calling band has been supplemented with frontman Ádám Szalai (Bloodrainbow), so that they can sacrifice on the altar of their melodic death/black metal passion!

The evening will be opened by veteran underground faces Spectral Despair, who will present their Doom Death metal with hardcore energy, so it's worth arriving on time!

Beneath The Void:

Noble Victory:

Spectral Despair:

The concert was supported by the Uptuned! serie of MOL-New Europe Foundation.

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The venue


The concert was supported by the Uptuned! serie of MOL-New Europe Foundation.

A38 Tetőterasz