Eatbrain Night - Tales Of The Undead Album Launch w/ Billain (Bad Taste, Rise Audio - BA), Mindscape (Eatbrain, Commercial Suicide), Mastif (Bladerunnaz, Citrus), Jade (Eatbrain, Lifted)

Eatbrain Night - Tales Of The Undead Album Launch w/ Billain (Bad Taste, Rise Audio - BA), Mindscape (Eatbrain, Commercial Suicide), Mastif (Bladerunnaz, Citrus), Jade (Eatbrain, Lifted)

Eatbrain Night - Tales Of The Undead Album Launch w/ Billain (Bad Taste, Rise Audio - BA), Mindscape (Eatbrain, Commercial Suicide), Mastif (Bladerunnaz, Citrus), Jade (Eatbrain, Lifted)
2014 June
Friday 23:00
Concert Hall

Eatbrain Night - Tales Of The Undead Album Launch w/ Billain (Bad Taste, Rise Audio - BA), Mindscape (Eatbrain, Commercial Suicide), Mastif (Bladerunnaz, Citrus), Jade (Eatbrain, Lifted)

The venue

My City Budapest 2014

2005-ben hívtuk életre az európai városok ifjúsági kultúráját bemutató My City fesztiválsorozatot, amelyen Prága, Varsó, Amszterdam, Belgrád, Pozsony és Moszkva...