Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio (RS), Tudósok - Bomb-concert

Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio (RS), Tudósok - Bomb-concert

Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio (RS), Tudósok - Bomb-concert
Wednesday 20:00
Concert Hall

Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio (RS), Tudósok - Bomb-concert

  • Jazz
  • Punk
  • World music, Folk
The new formation of one of the world's best jazz/world music composers/saxophone players, Boris Kovač, and drMáriás's legendary ensemble in one evening., who are connected by four decades of friendship.

Novi Sad Calling could also be the title of our evening, since it is centered on the reunion of two artists from Novi Sad. Boris Kovač and drMáriás played together for the first time in 1984 on a jazz recording in Kovač's legendary studio in Novi Sad, and then a long and deep friendship developed between them. Boris regularly helped and supported local young musicians with his advice and studio recording opportunities, so Tudósok made their very first studio recording in 1989 at his place.

Later, Boris Kovač and drMáriás jointly played contemporary music festivals in Novi Sad and Budapest (Rituali Festival, Nagy Fül Festival, Novi Sad Jazz Festival, Ring Ring...) but even during the Yugoslav civil war, Tudósok made a record in Kovač's studio, on which Boris also played saxophone. and which was published under the title Solar Scholar in 1997 by the Bahia Records.

Boris Kovač has already given many legendary concerts in Budapest with his various formations, from contemporary jazz through the apocalyptic world music cavalcade of the "last Balkan tango" to solo concerts. This time he presents himself with his new formation, in which he plays piano, clarinet and bass clarinet, his son Lav Kovač plays drums, piano and melodion, while Miloš Matić, known from almost all his formations, plays double bass and tambourine in parallel with the film shown.

At this concert, Tudósok will perform a special program in which they have selected some of their very best early and new songs adjusted to a studio atmosphere and sound.  

Take a trip with us this evening to the rich musical and cultural world from which these two artists, who are very different in their poetics but whose identity and passion are the same, will come to us with their excellent bands.

20.00 - Boris Kovač Ritual Nova Trio

21.30 - Tudósok - Bomb-concert

Boris Kovač, Ritual Nova, La Campanella, Tudósok CDs and drMáriás albums and prints will be available for purchase on site.

Event in facebook




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