KoncertClass: CsTDzs Alt'N'Roll

KoncertClass: CsTDzs Alt'N'Roll

KoncertClass: CsTDzs Alt'N'Roll
Thursday 17:00
Concert Hall

KoncertClass: CsTDzs Alt'N'Roll

  • Jazz
  • Pop

CsótányDzsó/ CstDzs Alt'N'Roll;

The band, which has been operating since 2012, mixes country, swing, rockabilly styles, with alternative lyrics. They play drums, double bass, jazz guitar, clarinet and trumpet.

They orchestrated and tamed the soundscape of the previously rock trio for the 2017 Veszprém Street Music Festival by including a clarinet. Encouraged by the successes, we continued experimenting in this direction. The result of this was the album Atavizmus recorded in 2019.

By experimenting with the involvement of additional brass players, the current line-up was formed by the end of 2022, in which, in addition to the clarinet, the trumpet colors the own melodies and lyrics.

In 2022, we won the professional award of the Veszprém Street Music Festival and as the 2nd place winner of the Kispál on Orfű talent search, we had the opportunity to perform at the festival as well.

In 2023, we made our single "Winter Dream" and this year we were invited to the Music Marathon in Brno, and we also performed at the events of the Passau Art Month with our Hungarian-language show.

Members of the band (in order of time spent in the band):

Márk Holup - guitar, vocals, melody and lyrics, graphics

Árpád Zilahi - bass

Alexi Gergely - clarinet, bass clarinet

Serfőző Lőrinc - trumpet, French horn

Alexi Ferenc - drums

CSótányDzsó: Semmi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E76iduS4UAc

CSótányDzsó: Befőttes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kvrejkMwsw

Csótánydzsó, a Veszprémi Utcazene Fesztivál szakmai díjasa - YouTube

Téli álom - YouTube

Téli Álom - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5W24KMDtA29whDClV58JDc?si=uK4z5pq9SUaYxNsPmD4kNQ

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3URTzKnlfve8QcpimuQq78?si=6V2fxok2SG-mjVnKT3MB_A

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CsotanyDzso

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csotanydzso

The concert is Uptuned! program, with the support of the MOL-New Europe Foundation.

CsTDzs Alt'N'Roll (HU)

The venue