Lead Zeppelin

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Lead Zeppelin's birthday concert again on the A38 ship. Encouraged by the success of the January full house party, we try to repeat the atmosphere of the Living Lead Zepp concert.
As the setlist was intertwined, we realized that we were practically one-on-one by the '75 Earls Curt repertoire. That is, there will be Misty Mountain, Rain Song, Acoustic Block, Dazed & Confused (Vöri's fantastic bass) and many more surprises. It depends on improvisation parts that the concert will not be short.
Of course, with rarities, the must -have classics are not missed.
"The song remains the same" - and what! :)
Members of the band:
Zoltán Sipeki Pipi - guitar
Roland Körmendi - vocals
Gábor Vörös Vöri - bass guitar
Ferenc Gerdesits Faszi - Dobs, Mandolin
Tip: Lead Zepp Concert Ticket Ideal Christmas Gift! "