Magashegyi Underground - year opening concert, guest: biankahaidu

The first High Mountain Underground concert of the year.
Our pre -band - Biankahaidu
The songs of Bianka Hajdu are mostly classified as the folk and country genre, but sometimes they also have an indiefolk or pop effect. Songs with mysterious, captivating and light -hearted songs, serious themes. His first song was published in February 2024. This summer, he won third place at the Füles owl talent researcher in Budapest, and since then the songs have been playing an orchestra from the record.
Members of the band:
Hajdu Bianka - vocals, guitar, Mandolin
Dominic Martos - vocals, guitar
Regenhart Anna Blanka - cello
Vojtkó Anna - vocals
6:30 pm gate opening
19:30 Biankahaidu
20:30 High Mountain Underground