Ball aboard - Mehringer lemezbemutató

Ball aboard - Mehringer lemezbemutató

Ball aboard - Mehringer lemezbemutató
Friday 20:30
Concert Hall

Ball aboard - Mehringer lemezbemutató

  • Pop

This year, Mehringer, one of the most interesting faces of new Hungarian light music, has been nominated for the Phonogram Award, not quite two years ago to create and perform throughout the country. In spite of the short time, his songs are listened and loved by millions of people, with nearly 85,000 months of students on Spotify, his songs are played by radios, a frequent character in the YouTube Trending list. In recent years, Marci Mehringer and his band have been behind several successful national toures, and have already performed in Budapest Park and the Papp László Arena as guests of several renowned productions. In October 2023, his first album, 111, was released, and then closed the year with a full house aquarium. Marci aims to sincerity and condition -free creation. With his stylish texts and energetic songs, he brings his thoughts to the audience through styles and generations. The latest "at the ball". It features contributors such as Roma Café, Filo or Beton.hofi, a producer, anubii $. On June 14, Marci and his band will present their latest EP on the A38 ship's main stage.

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