Óperentzia - album-release concert

Our restaurant awaits guests on Saturday from 14 am to 22 pm and on Sunday from 12 am to 10 pm as part of the Diningcity!
A journey to the edge of interstellar consciousness.
There is a merchant who does not trade in gold, myrrh or spices. He does not trade earthly things, but in the nocturnal vibrations of dreams, the shimmer of moonlight and the nuances of cosmic energy. He is the Moon Merchant, a figure dancing on the edge of dimensions, bringing you the melodies of the endless night.
Enter the realm of the Moon Merchant.
This is a place where spirits dance under the stars
Every beat is a step in the cosmic transit, where the Moon Merchant will guide you on the path. What will you give in exchange for the night journey? A piece of your mind? A vibration of your energy?
NeW AlbuM
PreseNtation: Feb. 27
Since the founding of Opperentzia in 2005, he has released his eighth major album, BIOHACK, at the end of last year.
The two pillars of the band, Gábor Bánházi and Tibor Domokos, invite the audience on a musical journey in which the outside world is silenced, the pulsating bass of the archive folk a trance and dub form a wave, pick it up and take it to the sea, where the horizon is below the sky and calm water.
The Hungarian underground is an unavoidable band of music, they are present at small and big festivals in Hungary and are also regular actors in club life. Today, it is one of the best known psychedelic bands, eager to go back to their roots. They use and understand the power of Hungarian and Balkan folk music, which is mixed in a stylish way with elements of dub, psychill, psytrance, ethno, techno.
They have already worked with more than 50 musicians, just to name a few of them e.g. With Lőric Barabás, Félix Lajkó, the Csángálló band, Aurafood, Natalie Dimanovski or Krisztián Keszei…
They are working with Sára Csobán (Csángálló band) on the birth and staging of their BIOHACK album, who is already well known to their audience, for example on the album Tribalkán.